Duck Neck Stuffing

1 duck neck
1 medium onion, chopped
2 rashers bacon, chopped
100g pistachio nuts, shelled
100g pine nuts roasted
1 tbsp parsley, chopped
1/2 tbsp sage, chopped
1/2 tbsp thyme, chopped
1 lemon, zest and juiced
1 cup white breadcrumbs
1 egg
Salt and freshly ground pepper
- Remove the outer skin of the duck neck by peeling backwards, keeping aside the skin for stuffing.
- In a suitable pan cook the bacon for a moment. When a little fat appears add the onion and cook it without colour for a few minutes.
- Mix all ingredients together.
- Cool the onion and bacon and add them to the other ingredients.
- Add the egg and mix it together.
- Place the mixture into the duck neck.
- Secure at both ends with a cocktail stick.
- Then place into a tray to cook for 20`minutes.
Chef’s tips
N.B the inside of the neck can be used as a base for stocks and soups