Luv-a-Duck Recipes

OOH Lunar New Year

Beer Can BBQ Duck


1 Luv-A-Duck fresh duck
1 can of beer of your choice
Spice Rub - 2 tablespoons salt
2 tablespoons onion powder
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon chilli flakes

Equipment required

  • Flat plate BBQ
  • Can opener
  • Knife

Products used

Whole Duck - Fresh

Whole Duck - Fresh


  1. Light BBQ and heat to high.
  2. Cut off the neck and the wings at the 2nd joint.
  3. Cut the top off the can of beer with a can opener and remove 1/2 of the beer.
  4. Mix all the spice rub ingredients together. Put half of the spice mix in with the beer.
  5. Carefully lift the skin from the breast without tearing it, then rub half of the remaining spice mix between the skin and the breast.
  6. With the remaining spice mix rub into the skin of the duck all over the front and the back.
  7. Carefully stand the duck over the been can and place the whole lot into a disposable foil container.
  8. Turn the heat on the BBQ down to around 180 degrees
  9. Place the duck in the container on the flat plate with the heat below it on low.
  10. Close the lid and cook for 1 and 1/2 hours. You do not need to turn or baste the duck.
  11. To ensure the duck is cooked through, pierce the leg and the juices should run clear.
  12. Remove from the BBQ and let the duck rest for 15 mins .
  13. Carefully remove the tin and you will find all the beer has evaporated into the duck flesh.
  14. Remove the 2 legs and 2 breasts from the duck and serve

LUV to Help You

Christmas Duck Accompaniments

How to BBQ a Whole Duck

Duck Fat - How to Render

Products used

Whole Duck - Fresh

Whole Duck - Fresh

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