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Try our succulent Luv-a-Duck Confit Duck Legs with a fresh salad of your favourite blanched green veggies and top with crumbled feta, fresh raspberries and drizzle of olive oil. Perfect for Christmas!
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Roasted Duck with Broccolini and Pomegranate Salad
Duck Confit and Apple Fillo Wraps (Cigars)
A L’orange Duck Legs with an Orange, Fennel and Goats Cheese Salad - By Tim Bone
Duck Breast with crushed potatoes, asparagus and sticky marmalade sauce
Duck Tagine
Grilled Duck with Orange, Pistachios and Couscous
Duck Breast with crushed potatoes, asparagus and spiced sauce
Lemongrass Duck Breasts with Peanut Satay Sauce & Wombok Salad
Garden Salad
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