Luv-a-Duck Recipes

nothing's as tasty as duck

Crispy Noodle and Duck Salad


1 pack Peking Duck Breast
½ -1 Chinese cabbage or ¾ savoy cabbage, shredded finely
6 spring onion, sliced to 4-5mm
100g lightly roasted slivered almonds or pine nuts
1 packet fried crunchy noodles

¼ cup white vinegar
¼ cup castor sugar
1 Tblsp soy sauce
2 tsp sesame oil (optional)
½ cup olive oil


1. Warm the Peking Duck Breasts as per pack instructions, then remove the duck breast from the pack and slice thinly.
2. Combine the duck, sliced cabbage, chopped spring onions and almonds in a salad bowl.
3. Add dressing to taste, and mix well. Add Original Fried Noodles to the salad just before serving

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