Luv-a-Duck Recipes

Duck that looks delicious

Duck Braised in Coconut

By Chef Adam D'Sylva


15 Luv-a-Duck, Duck Legs

1 litre Healthy Boy Soy Sauce
100g caster sugar
1 Tblsp finely crushed white peppercorns
1 mandarin or orange peel

Duck Braise:
2 400ml tins coconut milk
1 red banana chilli, split
4 lime leaves
1 lemongrass stalk, crushed
Ginger trimmings

Products used

Fresh Duck Legs

Fresh Duck Legs


1. Combine marinade ingredients until sugar is dissolved. Marinate duck legs in mixture for 24hrs.

2. Place milk, lime leaf, lemongrass, chilli, ginger in tray.

3. Place duck legs in a row skin side up.

4. Cook at 140° 100% heat for 1 ½ hours, until golden and tender.

Serve with your choice of yellow curry sauce, steamed jasmin rice, coriander leaves or taro chips.

Products used

Fresh Duck Legs

Fresh Duck Legs

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