Luv-a-Duck Recipes

Duck Breast, Red Cabbage and Corn Chip Salad Recipe

Duck Breast, Red Cabbage and Corn Chip Salad

from Everyday Gourmet with Justine Schofield


2 Luv-a-Duck Fresh Duck Breasts
1 tsp coriander powder
1 Tblsp olive oil

½ red cabbage, shredded
2 cups baby spinach leaves
¾ cup black beans
½ bunch spring onions
3 sprigs of coriander, leaves picked
2 big handfuls of plain corn chips, broken up slightly

Chipotle Dressing
2 tblsp chipotle in adobe sauce*
½ cup of whole egg mayonnaise
1 lime, zest and juice
¼ cup olive oil
Salt and pepper

* If you cannot find chipotle in adobe sauce, substitute with 1 tblsp of smoked paprika.

Products used

Fresh Duck Breasts

Fresh Duck Breasts


  1. Remove the fresh duck breast out of the fridge 15 minutes before cooking and pre heat the oven to 190°C.
  2. Score the duck skin and season with salt and pepper. Heat a pan until you can feel moderate heat and place the duck, skin side down into the pan for 5 minutes until golden. Turn the duck breast over and cook for 2 minutes. Place the duck in a roasting tray and cook in the oven for 8 minutes. Remove the duck and let this rest for at leaast 5 minutes before slicing into it.
  3. Whisk together the dressing ingredients. Add a little warm water to the dressing if required.
  4. Toss together the cabbage, spinach, beans, spring onions, coriander and duck with ¾ of the dressing. Add the chips and finish with remaining sauce.

LUV to Show You How

LUV to Help You

How to Cook Duck Breasts

Duck Fat - Ideas for Use

Duck Fat - How to Render

Products used

Fresh Duck Breasts

Fresh Duck Breasts

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