Luv-a-Duck Recipes

nothing's as tasty as duck

Duck Liver Parfait

This is a very delicate and rich terrine and needs to be handled very gently.


400g Luv-a-Duck, Duck Livers
250ml milk
50ml port
50ml brandy
1 small onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced
1 sprigs thyme
4 eggs
400g melted butter
Sea salt and freshly milled black pepper


  1. In a suitable pan place the onion, garlic and thyme with the port and brandy.
  2. Reduce down on a high heat until it becomes a syrup. Remove the thyme.
  3. Place the livers in the milk. soaking in milk removes any residual blood and makes the liver more mild to taste. Remove livers from milk.
  4. Take one tablespoon of the butter and warm it in a fry pan and put in the livers. Sprinkle with sea salt and allow the livers to just warm through.
  5. Put the reduction and the livers into a food processor and blend well.
  6. Add the eggs, butter and blend, check the seasoning.
  7. Sieve through a fine sieve into a bowl, mix well and pour into a terrine and place on the lid.
  8. Place into a water bath and cook in a cool oven about 140C; for 2 hours or until set.
  9. When cooked, chill for up to 24 hours.

Chef’s Tips

Soak the livers in milk for 2 hours.


Dip the terrine into a hot water bath for a moment to losen the parfait and turn out onto a platter. Slice and serve.
This is great to serve as an entre.

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