Luv-a-Duck Recipes

nothing's as tasty as duck

Duck Ragu with Fresh Pasta


6 Luv-a-Duck, Fresh Duck Legs
1 onion, finely chopped
4 garlic cloves, finely grated
4 sprigs thyme
250ml red wine
400g canned crushed tomatoes
400ml Luv-a-Duck, Duck Stock
1 qty pre-made fresh pasta (refer to our Fresh Pasta recipe)
parmesan, shaved, to garnish
parsley, chopped, to garnish


  1. Cut duck legs in half at the thigh and drumstick joint.
  2. Heat a large frying pan over a high heat and brown the duck on all sides.
  3. Remove duck from the pan and transfer to a large saucepan. Add onion to frypan and sauté, until golden then add garlic and cook for 2 minutes.
  4. Deglaze the pan with red wine taking care to stand back as the pan may flame.
  5. Add the remaining ingredients to the pan with the wine, season to taste and bring to the boil. Reduce to a rolling simmer and cook duck for approximately 90 minutes, without covering, until the sauce has thickened and the duck is cooked.
  6. Serve with fresh pasta, parmesan and garnish with chopped parsley.

Chef’s Tips

Luv-a-Duck's Slow Cooked Duck Legs can also be used in this recipe instead of Fresh Duck Legs

LUV to Help You

How to Cook Duck Breasts

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