Duck Risotto with Green Peas
Risotto is easy to cook, but there a couple of things to remember, use a good quality risotto rice such as caneroli and a heavy based saucepan.

2 Luv-a-Duck, Duck Breasts
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp butter
1 onion, diced
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 cup risotto rice
4 cups x Luv-a-Duck, Duck Stock
1 cup green peas frozen
1 tbsp parsley, chopped
100g Parmesan cheese
- Score the skin of the duck breast 4-5 times with a knife.
- Cook skin side down in a hot fry pan for 3 – 4 mins, this will crisp the skin and render out the fat.
- Turn over and seal other side for 1 minute. Place in a hot oven 200C for 8 mins. Rest the duck after cooking. When cool, slice thinly.
- Put the stock on to simmer.
- Heat the oil and butter in a suitable size heavy-based pan.
- Add the onion, garlic and cook for a couple of minutes without letting it colour.
- Add the rice and toast for a couple of minutes, add a ladle of stock to the rice and stir till well absorbed.
- Add another ladle of stock and stir well until absorbed and continue to cook, adding the stock and stirring all the time. Add the peas and stir through.
- When adding the last spoon of stock, add the chopped parsley and sliced duck reserving one or two slices to serve on top.
- Stir and allow to thoroughly heat through.
- Add the parmesan cheese and mix in well. Seasoning to taste.
Chef’s tips
To make a risotto you must stir each ladle of stock into the rice until it is absorbed, this gives the rich taste and creamy texture.