Hot Raspberry Souffle with Rose Petal Cream

315g frozen raspberries, defrosted
190g caster sugar
6 egg whites
50g caster sugar
butter for greasing ramekins
315ml cream
3 tbsp rose petals
icing sugar
1. Combine cream and 2 tbsp rose petals and transfer to a small serving bowl and chill for at least 1 hour to infuse the cream.
2. Puree the raspberries and sieve into a small saucepan with the 180g sugar, heat and stir until the sugar is dissolved then bring to the boil and reduce to a simmer until slightly thickened and the consistency of runny jam. Cool.
3. Butter 8 ramekins well and then dust with icing sugar and shake out excess.
4. When ready to serve, heat oven to 200°C. Whip the egg whites until soft peaks form then add 50g caster sugar and whisk until the sugar is dissolved.
5. When the egg whites are nice and stiff fold in the cooled raspberry mix.
6. Divide between the ramekins and using a knife and level off the top. Then, using your thumb, go around the very top of the ramekin, just down to the rim, so that the souffle isn't attached to the ramekin at the top. This way it will not get caught on the sides when rising in the oven!
7. Bake for 8 mins at 220°C then reduce heat to 180°C and bake for another 3 mins.
8. Dust with icing sugar and top with a couple of the remaining rose petals and serve with the cream topped with a few rose petals.