Luv-a-Duck Recipes

Korean Peking Duck Bao Foldovers Recipe

Korean Peking Duck Bao Foldovers

with wasabi mayonnaise and dashi seasoning to garnish


Bao dough
2 cups bao flour or plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
2 tblsp caster sugar
½ tsp  salt
1 tsp oil
7g yeast
1 tsp sugar
1 cup warm water

2 Luv-a-Duck, Peking Roast Duck Legs
½ cup Korean BBQ sauce
¼ cup duck stock
¼ cup brown sugar
2 tblsp oy sauce

To Serve 
Wasabi mayonnaise
Cucumber, spring onions, snow pea shoots
Dashi seasoning to garnish

Equipment required

  • 1 Large bowl
  • 1 small bowl
  • Measuring spoons
  • Measuring cups
  • 1 Mixing spoon
  • 1 small dish
  • 1 Chopping board
  • 1 Knife


  1. Pre-heat oven 170°c
  2. Place the bao flour, baking powder, caster sugar, salt and oil into a large mixing bowl.
  3. Combine the warm water, yeast and sugar in the small bowl and mix well. Allow to stand in a warm place until mixture foams.
  4. Mix together the yeast and flour to form a soft tacky dough. Need together with a little extra flour and place in a greased bowl, cover with plastic wrap and allow to prove in a warm place.
  5. In a small bowl combine the BBQ sauce, duck stock, brown sugar and soy sauce.
  6. Place the Luv-a-Duck peking duck legs in a small ovenproof dish and cover. Slow cook in the pre-heated oven 40 minutes.
  7. Whilst duck is cooking prepare the bao. 
  8. Divide dough in half and roll into two long sausage shapes, cut dough into 5 cm pieces approx 30-40g. Roll each piece into a circle 10-12cm round.
  9. Place each round onto a piece of bake sheet or steaming paper*.
  10. Steam each bao 3-4 minutes until fluffy and soft.

To Serve

Top each bao with a small amount of each of the prepared vegetables, top with shredded duck and sauce, finish with a small dollop of wasabi mayonnaise.

Garnish each bao with a little dashi seasoning serve warm.

Chef’s Tips

Bao dough maybe prepared the day before and proved in the refrigerator overnight. if your unsure about making bao dough or purchasing bao flour use the same recipe you would for pizza or bread.

Wasabi mayonnaise is easily prepared simply mix together quality mayonnaise with wasabi paste and little lime juice. Keep prepared mayo in a lidded container in the refrigerator until required.

Dashi seasoning is a combination of white sesame seeds, black sesame seeds and chopped roasted nori (seaweed) you will fnd it in the asian section of the supermarket or in the Asian supermarket.

LUV to Help You

Duck Fat: The Facts

Duck Fat - Ideas for Use

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