Luv-a-Duck Recipes

Pan-seared Duck Breasts with red wine, thyme and cranberry reduction Recipe

Pan-seared Duck Breasts with red wine, thyme and cranberry reduction

A classic French-inspired dish, perfect for any time of the year.


  1. 380g packet Fresh duck breast
  2. 5g. fresh thyme, sprigs
  3. 80ml red wine, shiraz
  4. 40g butter, cold
  5. 1/2 cup frozen whole cranberries
  6. salt and pepper to taste

Products used

Fresh Duck Breasts

Fresh Duck Breasts


  1. Pat dry your duck and place in the freezer for 5 minutes, this will make it easier to score the skin. Lightly score the skin in 1cm cubes. season and place in a cold frying pan. Place heat on low to medium. Don't trim the fat off because it will shrink while it's cooking and all the fat will be rendered out of it. Season well and massage it into the skin.
  2. Place into a cold frying pan and then bring the heat up and cook on low to medium. (80C-100C for induction) cook for 10 minutes on the skin side, don't flip. But, make sure you check the skin and adjust the heat, the fat needs to lightly simmer
  3. Coat duck breast with excess fat and flip over, cook for another 5 minutes. Drain out the excess fat, then add the thyme sprigs and butter into the pan.
  4. Remove the duck and rest for 5 minutes. Turn heat to medium, add red wine, cranberries, salt and pepper then reduce by half. Approximately 2-3 minutes.
  5. Slice duck breast and drizzle over red wine and cranberry reduction. The tartness of the cranberry reduction cuts through the beautiful full-flavored duck breast.

COOKING TIP: Save for your festive duck fat roast potatoes

Recipe by Amanda Cordony (@thecordonykitchen):

Products used

Fresh Duck Breasts

Fresh Duck Breasts

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