Luv-a-Duck Recipes

nothing's as tasty as duck

Roast Duck Breasts and Porcini Mushroom Ravioli with Burnt Butter and Sage Sauce

A classic dish which can be served any time of year


Pasta filling

1 packet Luv-a-Duck, Roast Duck Breasts (cooked), skin removed and chopped finely
50g porcini mushrooms, dried
50g button mushrooms
1/2 onion, peeled, sliced and diced
1 clove garlic, crushed
Splash of white wine
75g parmesan cheese
2 eggs
2 tablespoons olive oil
Zest of 1 lemon
Zest of 1 orange
150g ricotta cheese

Pasta sauce
250g butter
1 bunch fresh sage leaves

Equipment required

  • Mixing bowls
  • Large pot
  • Chopping board
  • Chefs knife
  • Tea towls
  • Colander

Products used

Roast Duck Breast

Roast Duck Breast


  1. Reconstitute the porcini in a small bowl of hot water. Squeeze dry and saute with the button mushrooms, white wine, onion, garlic and duck in a little butter and oil. Cook until any liquid has reduced, then puree in a food processor.
  2. Place the mixture into a large bowl and add the ricotta, lemon and orange zest and when cool add the eggs. Mix well and season to taste.
  3. Make 1 quantity of pasta dough and follow instructions to making ravioli. (See recipe in accompaniments section).
  4. Cook the pasta in a saucepan of salted boiling water for 4-5 minutes or until the pasta rises to the top of the pot.
  5. To make the sauce: Heat the butter in a frypan, allow to go slightly brown in colour, add the sage leaves and serve with freshly shaved parmesan cheese.

Products used

Roast Duck Breast

Roast Duck Breast

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