Roast Duck Leg Risotto
Risotto is easy to cook but there are a couple of things to remember – use a good quality arborio rice and heavy based sauce pan.

2 Luv-a-Duck Confit Duck Legs
1 tbsp olive oil
1 large onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 cup arborio rice
4 cups Luv-a-Duck duck stock
1 tbsp thyme, chopped
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 tbsp butter
- Remove the meat from the roast duck legs, slice and place on an oven tray ready to put under a hot grill to crisp and warm.
- Put the stock on to simmer.
- Heat the oil in a suitable size heavy-based pan.
- Add the onion, garlic and cook for a couple of minutes without letting it colour.
- Add the rice and toast for a couple of minutes, add the thyme, and then add a ladle of stock to the rice and stir till well absorbed.
- Add another ladle of stock and stir well till absorbed and continue to cook, adding the stock and stirring all the time.
- Place the cut up duck meat under a hot grill to crisp and warm.
- When adding the last lot of stock add the cut up duck meat reserving one or two bit of the crispy skin to serve on top.
- Stir and allow to thoroughly heat through.
- Add a spoonful of butter and mix in well taste and correct the seasoning.
- Serve in warm bowls with topped with crispy skinned duck.