Luv-a-Duck Recipes

nothing's as tasty as duck

Roast Duck Legs with Burnt Orange Salsa

from Everyday Gourmet with Justine Schofield


4 Luv-a-Duck Fresh Duck Legs
Salt and pepper
1 tbs. olive oil

2 tbs. olive oil
½ tbs. butter
1 clove garlic, minced
½ cup dried citrus peel
1 carrots, peeled and diced
½ cup chicken stock
½ parsley, finely chopped

1 orange segmented and juice squeezed

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1. Pre heat the oven to 180°C.

2. Arrange Duck legs in a large baking tray. Coat both sides of the Duck with the olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes or until the skin is crispy and golden brown.

3. While the Duck is cooking make the salsa. Heat olive oil and butter in a medium saucepan. Add the garlic and soften then add the carrots and dried citrus. Sweat off for 5 minutes before adding the stock and the juice of the orange. Turn the heat down to low and cook until the carrots are tender. Toss fresh parsley through the salsa just before serving.

4. Heat a griddle pan on a high heat. Place the orange segments on the grill and char on both sides to get grill marks. Carefully remove from the pan and season with a little salt and pepper.

5. Once the Duck is cooked, rest for 10 minutes then serve with the burnt oranges and salsa.

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