Luv-a-Duck Recipes

Roasted Duck with Sweet & Sour Sauce Recipe

Roasted Duck with Sweet & Sour Sauce

On Everyday Gourmet Christmas Special 2019, Justine Schofield shows us how super simple it is to produce this impressive Roasted Duck with Sweet & Sour Sauce dish


1 x 1.5-2kg whole duck

Sweet and sour sauce
¾ cup chicken stock 
½ cup tomato sauce
2 tbsp rice vinegar
2 tbsp soy sauce
½ tsp sesame oil
½ tsp Chinese 5 spice
2 nectarines (or any stone fruit of your choice), quartered

Products used

Whole Duck

Whole Duck


  1. Remove the duck from the packaging and pat dry inside and out with paper towelling. Place the duck on a tray lined with a rack. Air dry in fridge, uncovered, overnight.
  2. The following day, remove the duck from the fridge and place in a large steamer basket over wide saucepan or wok of boiling water. Alternatively place a small rack that can fit in the wok. Ensure the water does not touch the basket or rack. Steam the duck, cover with a lid or foil for 1 hr. Once cooked, transfer duck to the tray lined with a rack and air dry in the fridge again for 3 hrs or even better, overnight.
  3. Preheat the oven to 190°C. Coat the duck with a very thin film of oil and season with salt. Roast in the oven for 45 mins, until golden brown and crisp. Rest for 20 mins.
  4. While the duck is cooling, make the sauce. Combine all the ingredients except for the apricot and bring to the boil in small saucepan. Reduce the heat to medium and simmer for 5-8 mins or until thick and glossy. Add the nectarines and cook for a further 2 mins.
  5. Carve the duck then, pour the sauce on a large oval serving platter. Arrange the duck pieces on the sauce and serve.

Recipe by Justine Schofield and courtesy of Everyday Gourmet Christmas Special 2019

LUV to Show You How

LUV to Help You

How to Cook Whole Duck

Products used

Whole Duck

Whole Duck

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