Seared Duck Breast with green peppercorns, apple & celery braised in pinot noir
with caramelised onion mashed potatoes. By Chef Geoff Lindsay

Caramelised Onion Mash
250g cocktail onions
25ml vegetable oil
500g mashing potatoes
100ml extra virgin olive oil
100ml cream
4 cloves garlic
Braised apple and celery
1 head celery
2 granny smith apples
1 clove garlic
1 tsp green pepper corns
300ml pinot noir
2 tblsp oil
Red wine reduction
300ml pinot noir
150ml port
70ml roasted chicken stock
1 tsp green pepper corns
½ granny smith apple
1 shallot
4 tsp fresh green peppercorns
4 tblsp unsalted butter
4 Luv-A-Duck Moisture Infused Duck Breasts
½ tsp sea salt
To Cook the Mash
- Peel the onions then place in a pot with the vegetable oil.
- Cook slowly on a low temperature, stirring every 10 minutes, until the onions are soft, golden and sweet.
- Peel and wash potatoes, place in a pot covered with water, add about 1tblsp of salt and boil. Whilst the potatoes are cooking simmer the cloves of garlic in the cream until they are tender. When the potatoes are done, drain them well and pass them through a mouli using the finest blade. As you do this moisten the potato with the hot garlic cream to help it through the mouli.
- In a large bowl and with a whisk, beat the olive oil into the potato as if it were a mayonnaise.
- Keep warm.
To Cook the Braised Apple and Celery
- Separate the celery sticks and peel back to remove all fibres. Peel and quarter apples.
- In a pot over high heat sauté the celery, apple, garlic, salt and pepper until the celery becomes bright and glossy.
- Add the wine, cover and reduce heat to a minimum.
- Cook until soft but still holding its shape.
- Cut into 6cm lengths.
Red Wine Reduction
- Dice apple and shallots and place in a pot with wine, port and peppercorns.
- Bring to boil and reduce by half.
- Strain into another pot, add chicken stock then return to heat.
- Reduce until a thick, syrupy consistency is reached.
- Allow to cool.
To Cook the Duck and Serve:
- Score the skin of the duck breast with a sharp knife in cuts 2mm apart and about 1 mm deep. Gently crush half of the green peppercorns and press them into the skin side of the duck. Season with sea salt.
- Sear the duck breast in a pan, skin side first. Allow to cook ½ way through 6-7 minutes) then turn the breast, reduce the heat and cook for 1 minute on the flesh side.
- Remove from the pan and rest.
- Reheat celery in the braising liquid.
- Fold caramelised onion through the mash and place a good sized spoonful on each plate.
- Place a layer of celery on top of the mash forming a platform for the duck.
- Slice the duck breast lengthwise, in about 8-10 fine slices. Drape the duck on top of the celery.
- Using the red wine reduction draw several fine circles around the fish.
- Melt the butter in a pan, add the remaining green peppercorns and cook until it foams. Spoon over the peppered butter over duck breast.
Chef’s tips
This recipe can be created with Luv-a-Duck's Fresh Duck Breasts